There are two basic kinds of bathroom remodeling projects: a pull and replace renovation, and a comprehensive bathroom remodel. Since no two bathrooms are identical, there will always be variations, but the work scopes involved for bathrooms that fall within...
No two bathrooms are exactly alike. Particularly when working in older homes common in the Washington, DC area there are many unique spaces. Often areas that were not initially intended to be bathrooms have been converted to bathrooms, creating interesting and...
Change Orders: The C-Word, Part 2 Because many homeowners have become hip to the change-order hustle that many contractors run (see Change Orders: The C-Word, Part 1), there is often no better way to alienate a client than to start throwing the C-Word around...
In the remodeling industry, building a stable of trusted trade partners is essential. Every renovation we do in Washington, DC – be it a small kitchen project, or a full-scale addition – will involve some electrical, plumbing, HVAC or other specialty task(s). ...
Contributed by Christopher LaMora, Designer/CAD Specialist at Four Brothers What is an Architect? We are an interesting lot. We all come from a similar schooling and background; but each one of us possess a unique perspective that is individually our own. We...